A collection of random links that are useful in different ways. Let us know if a link is broken or you have suggestions for ones to add. A bit like a running bookmarks bar.
Notice & Disclaimer: These links will bring you to external sites. Unless otherwise noted in the description box, the links/websites/companies are not associated with ArchOverFlow, and they do not endorse ArchOverFlow. While we do endorse the linked site, we cannot guarantee the information you will find there is accurate or perfect. Exercise healthy caution when visiting external links and referencing information.
| WoodBin WoodWorking – The Sagulator | The Sagulator helps you design shelves by calculating shelf sag deflection, allowing inputs for material, load, dimensions, etc. Great if doing some built-ins or other casework where you are working within specific design or aesthetic tolerances. |
| Metal Supermarkets | Supplier of lots of different steel and aluminum. Great resource if designing custom details and needing to know what products ‘are available’ by shops without needing a custom order. |
| Dykes Lumber Mouldings | Well known on the East coast, Dykes has a great selection of mouldings available. They will have nearly everything you come across, plus a bunch of custom Dyke profiles. Each moulding can be downloaded in DWG & PDF. |
| Dew Point Calculator – Calculator.net | Great little calculator to help understand dew point temperature (temp at which air forms dew) using air temperature and relative humidity. Navigate to “other” calculators for some additional useful calculators. |
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