Definitions Wood: Fibrous substance forming the trunk, stems and branches of the tree Lumber: Product of sawing, planing, and preparing Wood. Typically, you are purchasing “lumber”. Timber: Lumber with a […]
ARE Master Category
Introduction Staying dry and out of the elements is the most basic principle that architecture must fulfill. And consequently water and temperature transmission are some of the harder things buildings […]
Mass Timber (MT) Mass Timber used to be a niche product, but now is commonly considered as an option for projects. Since 2010 the growth in mass timber use has […]
Testing A Designed Wall Assembly Archoverflow R-Value chart here Thermal Gradient: Shows variance in temperature through a cross section of a construction assembly. Dew Point Analysis: A thermal gradient line […]
Introduction Water can exist in three different states; solid, liquid, and gas. Solid and liquid are the two most common when thinking about preventing water intrusion with a building, however, […]
Flooding & Flood Zones Building in a flood zone is considered a special construction circumstance as it presents special problems and issues to think about. If possible, it should always […]
Introduction Aging in place and universal design are not exactly the same thing, however, there is so much overlap between the two that they often get used interchangeably. Design Considerations […]
ARE Note: Amount of tested information on Architectural History has significantly changed from ARE 4 to ARE 5. You should thoroughly review the ARE Guidelines, such as this one provided […]
Quicklinks: Definitions: Sheetrock: ‘sheetrock’ is a registered trademark and product name from USG. Drywall: Another name for Wallboard Gypsum: A soft mineral (rock) that constitutes a large portion of plaster […]
Introduction Metals are one of the most versatile of all construction materials. The process of refining metals allows them to be constructed into almost any shape with limitless possibilities. Metals […]
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