Mass Timber (MT) Mass Timber used to be a niche product, but now is commonly considered as an option for projects. Since 2010 the growth in mass timber use has […]
Definitions Finish Carpentry: Exposed, finished pieces of wood. Typically nonstructural. Built or cut on site mostly. Architectural Woodwork: Finished lumber items fabricated in a manufacturing plant and brought to the […]
Quicklinks: Definitions Wood: Fibrous substance forming the trunk, stems and branches of the tree Lumber: Product from sawing, planing, and preparing Wood. Timber: Lumber with a 5” minimum sectional dimension. […]
Quicklinks: Introduction The characteristics provide a general overview of the wood’s appearance and common uses, but it’s important to note that the properties of wood can vary depending on factors […]
Lumber for rough carpentry is referred to by its nominal dimension size, such as 2 x 4. This 2 x 4 refers to 2” x 4” for the dimension the […]
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