Definitions Wood: Fibrous substance forming the trunk, stems and branches of the tree Lumber: Product of sawing, planing, and preparing Wood. Typically, you are purchasing “lumber”. Timber: Lumber with a […]
Introduction Staying dry and out of the elements is the most basic principle that architecture must fulfill. And consequently water and temperature transmission are some of the harder things buildings […]
Mass Timber (MT) Mass Timber used to be a niche product, but now is commonly considered as an option for projects. Since 2010 the growth in mass timber use has […]
Testing A Designed Wall Assembly Archoverflow R-Value chart here Thermal Gradient: Shows variance in temperature through a cross section of a construction assembly. Dew Point Analysis: A thermal gradient line […]
R-Values Use these values as starting points while designing and checking energy performance of structures and assemblies. Always consult product specifications for exact R-Values and verify numbers prior to final […]
Introduction Water can exist in three different states; solid, liquid, and gas. Solid and liquid are the two most common when thinking about preventing water intrusion with a building, however, […]
Quicklinks: Definitions: Sheetrock: ‘sheetrock’ is a registered trademark and product name from USG. Drywall: Another name for Wallboard Gypsum: A soft mineral (rock) that constitutes a large portion of plaster […]
Introduction Metals are one of the most versatile of all construction materials. The process of refining metals allows them to be constructed into almost any shape with limitless possibilities. Metals […]
Introduction Water is the stuff of life. Healthy and safe water is critically important to the quality of life, and is something that is typically taken for granted in 1st […]
Introduction Noise is always an issue. Typically it is most encountered either from the exterior environment to inside, or from room to another room within a structure. This page details […]
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